Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Week 1 EOC: Voice

My name is Christopher and I currently a student at the Art Institute of Las Vegas majoring in Digital Filmmaking and Video Production. I was born in Tokyo, Japan. Even though I was born in Japan, I was raised here in Las Vegas for almost my entire life.I am a filmmaker.In my free time I film reviews mostly about toys, because one of my hobby is collection action figures and model kits. I post my reviews on Youtube. When my friends ask me, “What is your favorite movie of all time.” I say “none” because I love movies and can’t just make one. Other than watching movies, I love watching “making of” and Behind the Scenes that originally sparked my interest in filmmaking. What made made that interest set in stone was during high school. My friends and I got a Julius Ceaser project, so what my friends and I did was that we made a modernized version of Julius Ceaser and everyone in my audience loved it and so did my english teacher. But that movie has been lost, sadly. The other film that my friends and I did was a sniper film simply called “The Sniper” and it had no lines, it was just about 2 snipers shooting that each other. People who have watch this short little movie loved this one too. So I made a decision to become a filmmaker. My passion is to entertain my audience. I also want send message about life, what people should or should not do, so that the people would live a better life. I know that it won't work all the time, but that won't stop me from doing what I like to do. The genre that I focus on are action/adventure and drama. I want to touch people's heart with my films. My drama genre films will be about a true events. My action/adventure genre will be all fiction. I hope you will enjoy my films as I enjoyed making them. What I see lacking in current action films are that there are no stories and if there are it’s a really bad story. I want to change that when I become a filmmaker. I want to make a film with a really good story. I want the character to be lovable and even hated instead of just being there. We are at the age where the CGI are very cool and there for these movie studios focus on the EFX rather than the story itself. CGI are infact cool, but they have to have a story to them. Why are they there? How to characters feel about them? How does it effect the story? Those are the elements that the current films are missing. We always get a movie like Transformers and Battleship where they only focus on the CG and not those elements. We also get a drama that is not relatable and the audience don’t focus on that. So I want to change that.

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