Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Week 2 EOC: Erin Brockovich

I have watched Erin Brockovich and researched the facts on the PG&E case. In the article from L.A. Times says that PG&E has agreed to pay $295 million settlement. PG&E have apologized to the Hinkley citizens. It is nice that they have apologized, but many have birth defects and many other diseases because of this pollution. It was an issue that PG&E have noticed, but didn't bother to do anything about it until it's too late. And knowing what the lawyer thought about the victims, this is brutal. I wish lawyers cared about their clients. I never liked lawyers even before learning about this case. Some of the lawyers are so greedy. It seems like lawyers only care about money and only care about their ego. I wish we had more people like Erin Brockovich, people who actually about their clients. The lawyers who are so greedy are unacceptable in my opinion. Many people don’t like lawyers and this is the reason why. Having people like Erin Brockovich are one of the rare moments they the lawyers care about the people. The people who are going into law, don’t be one of those greedy clients and be like Erin Brockovich.

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