Tuesday, August 14, 2012

EOC Week 6: Illicit

My hobby is to collect action figures. I never bought knock-offs because it breaks so easily and the company who makes the products will lose products. But now watching the documentary “Illicit: The Dark Trade” I will never ever buy knock-offs of any kind. People can get killed from these trades. People just don’t realize what they buying. If it’s cheap and looks real, people will buy them. Knock-off seems to be everywhere, so what people should do is to look up where they are buying from. Places like Ebay are harder to source, so those kinds of sites are risky. People who buys knock-offs and is aware that it is fake, Should watch this documentary. This documentary really opened my eyes to this dark trade. Even though I never buy knock-offs, I never realized of how bad, buying knock-offs were. It is scary and people should be aware of these things. If the price of the product are too good to be true, the chances are that it is fake and should avoid it. When are buying knock-offs, you’re not just hurt to company. You are hurting the people that are working in these unfortunate jobs. Just be careful of what and where you’re buying from.

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