Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Week 8 BOC: Progress in getting a lawyer

I’m still in a progress in getting a lawyer. My parents apparently know a lawyer, but they don’t know what he actually does as a lawyer. So I’m not sure if he’s a real lawyer.  I have already made my ten questions to ask for that lawyer. I will contact him this week and hopefully I will get to talk to him and get to know him. This project started off pretty badly because my dad told me that I’m not doing this project, since I have to talk to a lawyer. But now everything is okay and I can talk to my lawyer. I hope that lawyer would able to talk to me, if I can then this project would get very difficult for me. After I talk to the lawyer then the project would get easier from there. All I’m worried about is contacting the lawyer, because this is the hardest part about this project.

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