Sunday, September 16, 2012

Reasoning of the Law

The copyright law is important, because media is not physical creation like a sculpture, it is what you see. So the only way to protect your creation is through a copyright. It has even gotten more important after the creation of the internet. On the internet people can stay anonymous and steal people’s work off they internet. The Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998 helps the creators protect their work on the internet. In order to protect your work, you must get for a copyright especially if your a filmmaker like me. In the book it states, “ Motion pictures are entitled to copyright protection under the audiovisual work category and may be registered with the U.S. Copyright.” The motion pictures are being protect in Copyright Act of 1976, both film and animation are being protect by this Act. In the section 101 of the act, this section is also mentioned in the book as well, “Motion pictures are audiovisual works consisting of a series of related images which, when showing is succession, impart an impression of motion, together with accompanying sound, if any.” So even a stop motion animation and silent films are protect by this act. You don’t have to register to a get a copyright. In the book it says, “Registration is not required to obtain copyright protection; that occurs automatically when a work of authorship is fixed in a tangible medium of expression. Nevertheless, registration is recommended. Even though there’s a copyright law, there are people out there who will try to steal your work. So what do you do it that happens? Well, the lawyer that I talked to told me this, “Notify them of the violation, and demand that they cease. Of course, in anticipation that they do not comply with your demand and you have to proceed with a civil lawsuit, it's best to send your demand by certified mail in order to prove that you attempted to resolve the issue outside of court.”

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